SPEDLOGSWISS Romandie (French-speaking Switzerland)

History and purpose of the organisation

The main task of SPEDLOGSWISS ROMANDIE (formerly ATG and ATSO) is to establish the link between the umbrella organisation SPEDLOGSWISS and the members of French-speaking Switzerland. This link is through the dissemination of information from Spedlogswiss and the feedback of information and possible complaints to Spedlogswiss.

The second mission is training, which enables staff to stay up-to-date and efficient through continuous training and to ensure the future of our profession by managing the training of young people.

The third mission is an action of lobbying, of recognition of our profession with and towards the different cantonal economic and political authorities. This last mission is very important for the cohesion and social bond between our different companies.

The ATG (Association des Transitaires de Genève) unites all freight forwarders operating in Geneva.

Because of their situation, these transport professionals had in the past kept their own organisation. Concentrated in a narrow area between the lake and the French border, equipped with an international airport, the Geneva hauliers managed their specificities within their association.

The ATSO (Association des Transitaires de la Suisse Occidentale) united the other French-speaking cantons.

The geographical area of ATSO was much larger, as it included the following cantons:

Vaud - Valais - Fribourg - Neuchâtel - Jura.

The activities of ATSO members were quite heterogeneous depending on the location and economic environment in which they were located. This dual organisation made it possible to deal with the issues in a specific way.

SPEDLOGSWISS Romandie (ex-ATG - ATSO) has a president, a vice-president, a committee and commissions on the following topics:

Customs - Sea Freight - Air Freight - Public Relations - Training


Lara Muehlethaler