Representation of interests
A constructive and future-proof contribution to the economy and all its participants requires a high level of business, economic and ecological efficiency. This is only possible if suitable framework conditions are created and maintained. The Association of Swiss Freight Forwarding and Logistics Companies is intensively committed to this. Using a wide range of means and instruments, the office regularly reports to member companies and the public.
The Association of Swiss Freight Forwarding and Logistics Companies considers the maintenance of continuous contacts with the media and authorities, with special interest groups and with its member companies to be one of its most important tasks. The respective dialogue partners are regularly documented with appropriate information material.
Head Thomas Schwarzenbach
Training Association SPEDLOGSWISS Nordwestschweiz
President Carlos Methner, VL Verzollung + Logistik AG
GeFa Suisse
President Roland Meister, SBB
Groupement Fer
President Peter Bösch
SafeConsult AG
Managing Director Silvia Degen
SPEDLOGSWISS Nordwestschweiz
President Thomas Knopf, Ultra-Brag AG
Head of Department Domenico La Banca, JAS Forwarding SA
Division Manager Jörg Zimmermann, Lamprecht Transport AG
Head of Department vacant
Shipping Agents
Head of Department Ralf Brink, Abacus Shipping AG
Head of Department Ralf Brink, Abacus Shipping AG
Warehouse & Solutions
Head of Department Marco Gredig, Cargologic AG
Business Administration
Head of Commission Christian Zesiger, Experts for Experts (Schweiz) AG
Head of Commission Jürg Meier, Kühne + Nagel Management AG
Information Technology
Head of Commission Philippe Itty, Schneider + Cie. AG
Law & Insurance
Head of Commission Dr. Barbara Furrer, DHL Logistics (Schweiz) AG
Head of Commission Mario Caccivio, Dachser Spedition AG
SPEDLOGSWISS Nordostschweiz
President Markus Widmer, Schenker Schweiz AG
SPEDLOGSWISS Nordwestschweiz
PPresident Thomas Knopf, Ultra-Brag AG
President Lara Muehlethaler, PESA SA
President Aldo Stoffel, Camera di commercio Ticino
President Patrick Wehrli, Tralog AG
Espace Mittelland
President Tom Schumacher, Belsped AG
SPEDLOGSWISS is the association of Swiss forwarding and logistics companies. SPEDLOGSWISS is an industry association with the sole purpose of providing benefits to its members. The members' corporate purpose is to generate profit
. SPEDLOGSWISS's ultimate purpose is therefore to support its members in making a profit
The organs of the association, the board, the divisions, the commissions, the working groups and the office have the task of realising this strategy.
1. Education
Ensuring sufficient numbers and quality of young professionals for the sectors represented.
Benefits for the members
- Safeguarding the values invested in the represented companies
- Strengthening the competitiveness of the Swiss forwarding and logistics industry compared to foreign providers (not cheaper but better)
Provision of basic commercial training for SPEDLOGSWISS members (qualification profiles, teaching materials, digital platforms, etc.), provision of continuing education opportunities for the represented sectors, design and implementation of federal examinations (Fachmann Int. Forwarding and Logistics Specialist, Supply Chain Manager, Customs Broker), lateral entry courses in forwarding and customs, specialist courses (hazardous goods, claims handling, risk management), maintenance of the international forwarding logistics personnel market in cooperation with the local associations.
2. Framework conditions
Influence the legal framework conditions for the represented sectors in order to enable the long-term prosperity of the sector and its members.
Benefits for the members
- Safeguarding Switzerland as a forwarding location and thus safeguarding the values invested in the represented companies.
Professional lobbying in politics, administration and economy, i.e. on the level of Switzerland and Europe concrete influence on the areas of
- Education policy
- Transport policy
- Tax procedures at the borders (customs, VAT)
- Safety and security issues
3. Services
Providing services that cannot be provided by other organisations, or cannot be provided to the same quality, or can only be provided at a significantly higher cost.
Benefits for members
- Cost savings
- Increase in know-how
- Risk management
Representation in customs criminal cases, SafeConsult AG (company for outsourcing the dangerous goods officer), association solution insurance, online database with critical customer and correspondent relationships (KKK), EKAS/ASA industry solution, SPEDLOGSWISS Contract Check, IT data hub, Spedifact, document sales, list of known consignors in air freight, creation and maintenance of the SPEDLOGSWISS General Conditions.
4. Counselling
Individual counselling of members by telephone or in person as part of a short counselling session.
Benefits for members
- Cost savings
- Benefit from the know-how of the office
- Risk management
Legal advice on forwarding, freight, labour, customs, VAT law, risk management, specialist transport issues, debt collection, dealing with authorities/media, staff development, etc.
5. Information
Procuring, assessing, processing and distributing information using the synergies typical of the association.
Benefits for members
- Cost savings, as information does not have to be prepared by the members themselves.
- Early warning system
- Increase in know-how
New customs regulations, VAT regulations, security regulations of other countries, import restrictions, export restrictions, toll systems, information from the seaports, recommendations, etc.
6. Networks
Promotion of personal contacts among members through events such as general meetings, panel discussions, etc.
Permanent working and discussion platforms in the militia organisation (commissions, divisions, working groups), presence of the sector in national and international organisations (economiesuisse, CFS, FIATA, CLECAT, WTO, ICC, etc.)
Benefits for members
- Exchange of experience
- Confidence building between members
- Exchange and formulation of common interests
Exchange of bad and good experiences, bilateral cooperation (example customs clearance). Enclosed. FIATA congress participation, socialising.
SPEDLOGSWISS - Range of activities
SPEDLOGSWISS actively supports its members in economic and political matters. It represents the economic and political interests of its members vis-à-vis the economic and political environment both nationally and internationally.
SPEDLOGSWISS aims to represent the entire international forwarding logistics sector.
SPEDLOGSWISS develops and promotes the positive public image of the international forwarding logistics sector.
SPEDLOGSWISS ensures compliance with the principles of conduct developed by its top committees.
SPEDLOGSWISS is actively and specifically committed to the promotion of young talent and the professional training and further education of the employees of its member companies.
SPEDLOGSWISS deals with individual and general issues relating to transport and traffic. In matters of labour law and social policy, it advises member companies on employer issues.
SPEDLOGSWISS advocates the free market economy.
SPEDLOGSWISS is an entity and acts as such.
The members of SPEDLOGSWISS shall derive added value from its activities.
SPEDLOGSWISS maintains a relationship of partnership with company members, authorities, politicians, other associations, schools, the media and other institutions.
SPEDLOGSWISS is subject to Swiss law and respects ethical principles.
SPEDLOGSWISS takes care of the financial resources made available to it and uses them in a goal-oriented, efficient and cost-conscious manner.
SPEDLOGSWISS - Environmental policy
SPEDLOGSWISS is aware that increasing traffic movements worldwide are a burden on the environment. The environmental policy is the commitment to action-oriented environmental management of SPEDLOGSWISS.
SPEDLOGSWISS is committed to meeting the ecological demands with the following measures:
- Sensitising members to ecological ways of thinking and acting.
- Include ecological topics in basic and further training.
- Targeted information, advice and training of members on environmental issues.
- Communication of the environmental sector solution.
- Communication and cooperation with politicians, authorities, shippers and other institutions on environmental issues.
- Informing the public about own considerations and achievements in connection with environmental issues.